social media

Adobe Express Hacks Every Photographer Should Know | Dave Clayton

Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with Graphic Designer Dave Clayton and discover more about Adobe Express … the “Creative App for All” and see how we can use it to quickly create graphics, social media posts, automate, schedule, add stylised captions to videos and ultimately helps us to be more creative, time efficient and productive.

links mentioned in the video:

Adobe Express: (Access via Creative Cloud App on Desktop / Mobile) or:

Dave Clayton’s Website:

Facebook: @itsdaveclayton

Instagram: @itsdaveclayton

Dave Clayton’s Newsletter Sign Up + FREE eBook Downloads: BIT.LY/INDESIGNBOOK

Nigel Thomas’ Landscape Photography Exhibition
Canolfan John Burns Centre, Kidwelly, Wales. SA17 5AB
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th June 2024
10am - 5pm
email: for more details

Ian Munro’s “Hope Foundation Dog Rescue” Fund Raiser: ( LINK )

I'm on Vero and so far I'm liking it 👍🏻

It's not like we really need, or more to the point, want another Social Media platform, but the way they're all going with more ads and sponsored content showing up than the people you want to be 'social' with, I thought I'd check out Vero.

I guess it's still early days but so far I'm liking it: pictures, comments, interaction, recommendations and so on ... kind of how ''social media" should be, but like I say...early days.

Liking it because you can check out some nice photographs, interact and then dive out without being sucked in.

If you’re on Vero, send me over a connect 👍🏻