iPhone Long Exposure at Portland Bill

Since getting the new iPhone 14 Pro Max I’ve been getting out and about as much as possible taking photographs, and this was another of those ventures…

Portland Bill in Dorset; an iconic location with the famous Portland Bill Lighthouse …

I’m using the Lightroom Mobile App more and more. It has a great camera built into it that has both automatic and manual functions as well as a great Long Exposure function. In addition to this any photograph I take with it, is automatically synced with Lightroom CC which means it’s immediately available for me to edit on my desktop or my iPad.

Here’s a long exposure I made of the coastline at Portland with the Lighthouse behind me …

This is actually made up of a series of images that I took one after the other; a one second long exposure but with the waves in different places and each image blended in Photoshop after making the initial edits in Lightroom CC.