
Book Review: "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear is definitely now one of my favourite books!

Atomic Habits is a powerful and insightful book that provides practical strategies for creating positive habits and breaking destructive ones. With a clear and engaging writing style, James demystifies the process of habit formation and guides readers on a transformative journey toward personal growth and productivity.

It seemed that on each and every page I found myself nodding in agreemnt or outwardly saying “Now that makes sense” or “I never thought of that”

So breaking the contents down, here’s some of the main key concepts and takeaways …

1. The Power of Tiny Habits:

James Clear emphasises the significance of small, incremental changes—what he calls "atomic habits." James encourages readers to focus on making small, manageable adjustments in their daily routines, as these compound over time to create significant and lasting results. In his own words, “By breaking down big goals into smaller, actionable steps, readers can develop a sense of momentum and build successful habits that endure.”

2. The Four Laws of Behavior Change:

James introduces the framework of the Four Laws of Behavior Change, which are cue, craving, response, and reward. By understanding how these laws interact, readers can design and shape their habits effectively. He guides readers to identify the cues that trigger their habits, the cravings that drive them, the responses they take, and the rewards they receive. This framework empowers individuals to modify their behavior and create positive habits while eliminating negative ones.

3. The Importance of Habit Stacking:

Habit stacking is a technique that involves attaching a new habit to an existing one. Clear explains that by linking a desired habit to an established routine, individuals can leverage the power of consistency and make habit formation more seamless. This approach eliminates decision-making and makes it easier to adopt new habits without relying solely on willpower.

4. The Role of Environment:

James highlights the influence of environment in shaping our habits. He suggests that individuals can optimise their environment to make desired behaviors more attractive and easily accessible. By making small adjustments, such as organising workspaces, removing distractions, or surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, readers can create an environment that supports their desired habits and increases their chances of success.

5. Continuous Improvement and Identity:

Clear encourages readers to focus on the process of continuous improvement rather than solely fixating on the outcome. By embodying the identity of the person they want to become, readers can align their habits with their self-perception. Through consistent action and mindset shifts, individuals can reinforce their new identity and sustain positive habits for the long term.


"Atomic Habits" by James Clear is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand the science behind habit formation and leverage it for personal growth. Clear's practical strategies and actionable advice empower readers to make small, incremental changes that lead to profound transformations. By adopting the principles outlined in the book, individuals can break free from destructive patterns, cultivate positive habits, and ultimately achieve their goals.

"Atomic Habits" is a must-read for those looking to build a solid foundation for lasting change and maximise their potential for success. At no point did I find myself thinking this was all just clever wording and regurgitating what some many other books in the P.M.A. genre seem to do; quite the oppisite in fact … the contents, the principles, the suggestions are well explained, make total sense and effective.

Highly recommended.