Celebrating our 24th Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday, Friday 12th May 2023 was our 24th Wedding Anniversary!

Thank you so much for all the messages on social media … we read every single one.

The day couldn’t have been better …

After a few days of rain we woke to bright sunshine! Fabulous and relaxing breakfast at River Cottage HQ , relaxing on the beach down at West Bay and then Lyme followed by a simply perfect evening at the The Barrington Boar.

From the welcome as we arrived, the service, the special and unexpected touch of wishing us Happy Anniversary, and the food (oh my god the food!) … it couldn’t have been better.

A wonderful day celebrating 24 years of marriage and now more excited than ever for next year; the planning of which has already started as we’ll be returning to spend a few days away at somewhere VERY special to us both.

Of all I have done and do, this is makes me proudest of all!