Photoshop Virtual Summit 3: Thank you so much for the GREAT Feedback

I hadn’t planned or intended to add this post but when waking up this morning I thought I’d quickly dive in to check if there were any questions following my Fast Fixes in Photoshop Session that aired yesterday during The Photoshop Virtual Summit 3.

As it turns out there was one question that I’ve now responded to, but it was the feedback that some folks had taken the time to post that has blown me away…


As someone who creates educational content, to receive feedback like this, when people not only say how much they enjoyed the session, but also how much it will help in the future, well, I simply couldn’t ask for more!

So, from me to you … thank you!

As the sessions have been going out at their scheduled times I’ve been tuning in as much as I can to catch what the other instructors have recorded, and now over half way through I’ve learned heaps of new stuff and approaches to certain tasks, and that’s what I love about Photoshop … there’s always more to learn.

Sessions continue later today and my 2nd session airs tomorrow (Friday) where I go through Pro Techniques for Selecting Hair and Fur.

CLICK HERE to check out the Photoshop Virtual Summit 3
