
The Photoshop Creativity Virtual Summit 2023

A completely NEW EVENT from the man behind the Photoshop and Lightroom Virtual Summits, Dave Cross …

This event is all about being creative with Photoshop with topics such as creating realistic composites and improve your skill in essential techniques such as selecting, masking, creative uses of brushes, image manipulation, fantasy images, textures, painterly effects and so on …

It’s completely FREE TO WATCH with over 36 hours of Photoshop Training from 19 Instructors including people such as my great friend and former Disney Animator Aaron Blaise, Hollywood Movie Poster compositor Lisa Carney, Brooke Shaden, Bert Monroy and more …

Each day classes go live and are free to watch for 48 hours. 

The Photoshop Creativty Virtual Summit runs from April 17th through April 20th and all you need to do is just grab your FREE PASS