
Spirit of Normandy 80th Anniversary D-Day Landings Commemorative Journal

With the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings fast approaching, I’m incredibly honoured and proud that portraits from my 39-45 World War2 Veterans Portraits Project were chosen to appear in the Spirit of Normandy 80th Anniversary D-Day Landings Official Commemorative Journal …

Top Row: Laurie Weeden, Allan Scott, Stan Swansborough
Bottom Row: Bob Stoodley, Ted Owens, Gordon Drabble, Victor Urch

The purpose of the project was primarily my way of giving back to the Veterans but also to Honour, Remember and to Educate and so seeing the portraits in such a publication, a personal copy of which will be given to King Charles, is wonderful and serves again to keep the memory of these incredible people alive as their names will be seen and read by those who look through the pages.

Cyril Stanley Ford

Should anyone wish to have a copy of the journal, drop me a message using my CONTACT PAGE and I can then put you in touch with the Editor in Chief who will be able to help you out.

Saddened that World War 2 Veteran Harry Billinge MBE has died

Not much I can add other than, yet again we have lost another of the Greatest Generation, Harry Billinge MBE aged 96 years.

I had the pleasure of meeting, photographing and knowing Harry thanks to my 39-45 Portraits Project.

A slight of a man with the heart of a lion and what was clearly a life mission to ensure that those he served with during World War 2 were never forgotten, in the fund raising he did for the Normandy Memorial.


Harry Billinge MBE
Harry Billinge MBE
Harry Billinge MBE
Harry Billinge MBE