
Veteran Portrait Featured in National Geographic

Allow me this moment to feel a bit of personal pride…

This month, National Geographic have a full article, covering the story of the the Legendary Avro Lancaster…

A wonderful article covering the life of the Lancaster from its birth, those who designed it, those who built it, those who maintained it and those who flew it.

Of those who flew it, I had the utmost pleasure of spending time with and photographing World War 2 Veteran, Rusty Waughman DFC AFC Ld’H , RAF Flight Lieutenant, 101 ‘Special Duties’ Squadron, for my 3945 Portraits Project.

Over the years I’ve been fortunate to have my images appear in articles, magazines and as front covers, but to have a portrait feature in National Geographic, feels, well…extra special.

You can check out the full article as well as Rusty’s incredible story HERE