My Latest Book "The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop" is Shipping!

Finally, after all kinds of delays caused by you know what, I’m super excited to say that today, 5th October 2021, is the day that Amazon are finally shipping my latest book, The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop.

As is always the way, Amazon USA are shipping first and then one month later on 5th November 2021, Amazon UK and the rest of the World start shipping too.

Fantastic to see already that a couple of 5 Star reviews have already been added to from folks that have purchased the kindle version of the book and purchased direct from Rocky Nook’s website, so a BIG thank you to Gloria Z. Nagler and Conrad J. Obregon.

Reviews on Amazon are so incredibly helpful…

Signed copies

Ordinarily Rocky Nook (my publishers) would be attending photography events and conferences around the world and when they do, and I’m at the same event, they organise for books to be signed.

For obvious reasons this hasn’t been possible, however I do have copies of the book that I’m looking at making available through this website, so if you’d like one of those that I’ll sign for you, just let me know in the comments section and I’ll get it set up.
