
Photoshop Layers and Selections Webinar with Rocky Nook Publishers

Thursday of last week I presented in a webinar hosted by my publishers, Rocky Nook all about my latest book, The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop.

It was so good to see so many people tune in LIVE and also to see the numbers of folks that had signed up to be sent the recording.

If you missy it and fancy checking it out, Rocky Nook have also now posted the webinar on their YouTube Channel that I’ve now added below…

At the end of the presnetation we went through a Q&A and one of the questions posted asked about the new selections and masking function in Camera Raw and Lightroom, and in particular about using the Color Range option…

Susan asked…

“Can you only subtract one colour point at a time or can you click multiple times on slight variations in the color in the same subtract operation?”

Originally I answered that I ‘thought’ you could only do one at a time however a friend of mine Trevor Ager messaged me to say that you can actually add more by holding down the Option (Mac) / Alt (Windows) keys and clicking.

Hope you enjoy the video.


New Update to my Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop Book

Following on from the recent (HUGE) update to both Lightroom and Camera Raw that was unveiled at Adobe Max, I’ve now written a FREE update to my latest book, The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop

The update covers all you need to know to get up and running with the new Selections and Masks functionality in Camera Raw (it’s the same in Lightroom) and is available as a PDF download in addition to the follow along images.

The update is available for FREE from the Publishers (Rocky Nook) website at the following link:


Billy, Bone and the Tree Keeper

A very dear and close friend of ours, Keith Trayling, who within the last year was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease has written his first children’s book called Billy, Bone and the Tree Keeper and we couldn’t be happier or prouder…

Poetry, which is how the book is written, seems to have been a lifeline for Keith since his diagnosis. Each and every time we meet up, he’s been busy putting pen to paper laying down words that recount daily occurrences, memories and such, in Keith’s playful and humorous manner.

Billy, Bone and the Tree Keeper is the first in a series of books about the Adventures of Billy and his 4-legged best friend Bone, and to see the joy in Keith at having the first book published, is just so incredibly moving.

Here’s a short video promo for the book that I put together from when Keith and Bridget came over for a bite to eat and I convinced him to read a few pages that I could record…

Now I’m no web designer but I’ve also made the website for the book and did it using SquareSpace (took a morning to do it) where you can discover more about the book, what the message and educational side to it is, plus learn about Keith and where the inspiration for the book series came from.

Here’s the link:

Keith yesterday when the first print copies finally arrived from the publishers

Keith and Bridget have worked incredibly hard and invested to get the adventures, messages and life lessons of Billy and Bone out into the world (something that is so incredibly important to Keith) and even though a few orders have come in from friends and locals, I’d love for us to be able to help them spread the word far and wide.

Through the website, Keith is personally signing and adding messages to copies of the book which are able to be posted worldwide, so if you’d like a copy for yourself, for your children, as a gift or simply because you’d like to support one of life’s truly good people, that would be utterly fantastic!

Yesterday I sent an email to people within my Email Group and last night Bridget messaged to say that orders have come in from people they don’t know, so thank you!

To be able to help good people … people who have been there for us and been a shoulder when things haven’t been so good, but have also celebrated our successes as if they were their own, is a wonderful feeling.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for taking the time to learn about Billy and Bone, and, well … just thank you.


Taken when Keith, Bridget and Arthur came to visit a couple of weeks back and I recorded Keith reading part of Billy, Bone and the Tree Keeper

My Latest Book "The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop" is Shipping!

My Latest Book "The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop" is Shipping!

Finally, after all kinds of delays caused by you know what, I’m super excited to say that today, 5th October 2021, is the day that Amazon are finally shipping my latest book, The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop.

As is always the way, Amazon USA are shipping first and then one month later on 5th November 2021, Amazon UK and the rest of the World start shipping too.

My Latest Book Artwork

Over the moon seeing the design for the front and rear cover yesterday of my latest (4th) book, The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop, published by Rocky Nook. (publish date of August 2021)

Designed by my mate Dave Clayton, there’s also some images to be added on the back cover and he’ll no doubt be adding his usual magic finishing touches, but even seeing it as it is now I’m so incredibly happy with it!

VERY happy too that the one and only Dave Cross has writtten the foreword. Without Dave being out there sharing his knowledge when I first started out, I very much doubt that I’d be doing what I’m doing today!

Getting so close to finishing the writing now (full steam ahead this week) and getting it all over to Rocky Nook publishers

Oh, and it’s available for pre-order on Amazon too 🙂
