Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with Mark Baber aka “The Photography Insider” (London Camera Exchange Events Manager) and discuss the latest Gear, News and Events from within the Photography Industry …
Presenting at the YPU Keighley Day 2023
Back home now after a fantastic weekend in Yorkshire having been sponsored by Adobe to present at the YPU (Yorkshire Photographic Union) Keighley Day.
L to R: Yours Truly, YPU President Richard Littlefair, YPU President Elect Christine Hodgson and Ross McKelvey
Great to meet so many nice people who had made me feel so incredibly welcome from the moment I arrived on the Friday evening.
Wonderful too, to finally spend some quality time with Ross McKelvey who was also presenting.
He ‘took to the stage’ for the first part of day and it was so good to be able to kick back and watch as he firstly talked through prints of some of his wonderful images and then shared some of his retouching techniques.
Yep … a great couple of days spent with some great people PLUS a BIG thank you to Rufus Deuchler from Adobe for putting my name forward.