
My Mobile Phone / Smartphone Photography Kit

With me doing more and more photography with my Smartphone (iPhone) these days, I often get asked what kit I use with it ... Phone Mount? Tripod? Trigger?

So I thought I’d share it here as well as adding it all into the GEAR Page where you’ll see ALL the kit I use for Photography and Video …

*To use the phone holders on my tripod, I purchased a few extra Arca Plates that screw into them

There’s also various apps I’m using so I’ll make sure to share details of those and any future kit I try out … especially as I intend to be doing some portrits using off-camera lighting triggered by my phone 😃

I did a Workshop in Oxford at PhotoHubs

A couple of weeks back I was in Oxford at PhotoHubs on behalf of the Guild of Photographers who asked if I would do a workshop for some of their members.

I've not done 'in person' workshops for a few years now but this was so much fun with such a great group of folks.

I went through how I take portraits in the style of my veterans project but also other equally simple set ups that can create some great results. It was so good to see everyone active , chatting and enjoying the time we spent together. THE most important part of the time together though was showing how important 'talking / conversation' is in making your subject more comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera.

At the end I couldn't resist grabbing a quick portrait myself using just one light and one reflector ... I mean when one of the attendees has such a great look, how could I not??? 😃

Thanks so much to everyone who came along and especially the folks at The Guild for inviting me in and for looking after me so incredibly well ❤️

Sony A7RIV (1/250 , ISO 100 , f/8.0)
Sony 85mm GM
Westcott FJ400 Strobe
Westcott Rapid Box Switch Beauty Dish
Westcott Silver Reflector
Westcott X-Drop Pro with my new material Glyn Dewis Vintage Grey Background

You can see all of this kit over on my GEAR page ( LINK )
