
Photography saved me during the Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions

Photography saved me during the Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions

It’s fair to say that the Covid 19 Pandemic has affected each and every one of us in one way or another; be it with the loss of a loved one, a friend, or how the restrictions placed upon us have affected our everyday lives.

I can only talk about how it’s affected me, or rather how it could have affected. Now I say ‘could have’ because I know what I’m like and I know, that even with no pandemic to contend with, I’m the kind of person that gets restless and agitated if I’m not constantly working on something new.

As a Portrait Photographer, pre March 2020 it was easy. I had portraits to take and I had my 39-45 Portraits Project which in all honesty, I’m happy to say

COVID Restrictions made me a Better Photographer

It might sound odd to say this but I honestly believe that Covid-19 Restrictions placed upon our daily lives, have actually made me a Better Photographer.

Before March 2019, the only time I would have my camera in my hands was for taking a portrait. As a Portrait Photographer I just wasn’t interested in other genres. 

However, this all changed and I explain all in this video.

Hope you like it,

Lone Tree in Woodland and My Bullies Story


Spending time in the local wood this morning to take some photographs, I was drawn to an area where this little tree was amongst the much larger pine trees towering above it. On a summers day the scene would have have felt different, but this morning with the mist, it felt kind of sinister, like the small tree was being bullied.

I hate bullies. When I was much younger in middle school there was an older, much bigger boy called Smudge who used me as his target.

Years later I was back in my home town entering a Bodybuilding Competition. The week before the competiton I stayed at my Mom’s and trained at the local gym. I’d changed quite a bit since middle school. Now I was a lot bigger from training and was just under 19st (266lbs). One afternoon I was in the gym training when in walked Smudge. Hadn’t changed much. Just looked older.  Clearly didn’t know who I was and asked me to help him on the bench press. “No problem mate”

He lay on the bench and took hold of the bar. I lifted the bar off the racks and supported it before letting go for him to press. Before letting go I couldn’t help myself…”Smudge…you don’t remember me do you? … I’m Glyn Dewis. You used to bully me at school”. At which point I let go and walked away leaving him to fend for himself.

Damn it felt good!

Oh and I went on to win the Competition. Good times!