
👁👁 EYES: BRIGHTEN , ADD CATCH LIGHTS + MAKE THEM POP: One Technique that does it ALL!

I love how we can use techniques in Photoshop to do more than one thing. In this video I show how a GREAT technique that I call the Never Ending Lighting Rig for adding in more lights to your picture can also be used to enhance eyes in portraits by brightening them, adding in fake catch lights and making them POP!

DO THIS for Super Sharp Eyes (FAKE IT in Photoshop)

In this latest video (which is under 7 minutes long) on my YouTube Channel I go through a Super Fast technique for faking the look of detail, texture and sharpness in eyes.

Of course nothing beats getting it all ‘in camera’ but for whatever reason that just didn’t happen and the eyes are lacking punch, this works an absolute treat…

Perfect Eyes with Photoshop Neural Filters (Video Tutorial)

Ok so yesterday I shared a new video on my YouTube Channel going through a recent-ish photo shoot I had with a female surfer.

In the video I go through a Behind the Scenes showing what went into making the picture whilst on location but then show how just one slider in Photoshop made the final picture, I believe, a winner.

As is always the case, it’s the small things that make the BIG difference in Photography and Retouching, and that’s exactly where the Neural Filters in Photoshop comes in when used sparingly.

You’ll see what I mean in the video but also, and I think importantly, why the filter had to be used in the first place.
