look up tables

Look Up Tables (LUTs): THIS is what you're doing WRONG! How to MAKE, SAVE, EXPORT and EDIT

A few weeks ago I shared a video on my YouTube Channel showing how to install and use Look Up Tables (LUTs) in all versions of Lightroom, per it Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, Lightroom Mobile and Lightroom on the Web.

Following on from that I did get a few questions asking about problems using LUTs in Photoshop with error messages being thrown back and images being made to look, well, awful.

So, here’s a video I’ve put together to show how to Make, Save, Export and Edit LUTs without any errors.


FINALLY! Look Up Tables (LUTs) in Lightroom (Install, Use, Manage)

Colour Look Up Tables (LUTs) are a Game Changer when it comes to colour grading your images in Photoshop, but what if you do more in Lightroom or maybe Lightroom is all you use; can you still use them?

The short answer is YES.

However, they do need to be installed first of all and to do so, although a simple process, doesn’t just mean clicking anINSTALL LUTs” button.

There’s just a few steps involved as well as a hidden keyboard shortcut, but I promise you that it is an easy process as you’ll see in the short video below…

In the video when going through the steps to install LUTs into Lightroom (Cloud) , I show how you need to navigate to a specific folder on your computer where Camera Raw has previously stored them.

Here’s where you’ll find the folder depending on whether you’re using Mac or Windows:


~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings

Note: On a Mac, you can use the keyboard shortcut of Command + Shift + G to bring up the ‘Go to Folder’ dialog


C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings

*Replace [username] with the actual username you use for that specific computer

Hopefully that’s now got you all sorted Importing, Using and Managing LUTs in whichever version/s of Lightroom you use, but if you do have any questions / comments then as always, feel free to make use of the comments section and I’ll get back to you..
