
I'm hosting a Printing Workshop with Carmarthen Cameras, BenQ and Permajet

On Friday 24th February 2023 I’m excited to be hosting a Printing Workshop in partnership with Carmarthen Cameras, BenQ and Permajet.

A 2 hour evening at the Carmarthen Cameras, Zion Chapel Store running from 7pm - 9pm, I’ll be taking folks through such topics as …

  • Display Calibration

  • Colour Space

  • Printing Software Options

  • Paper Profiles

  • Paper / Media Options

… and of course producing some final prints.

An often over-complicated process, I’ll make it not so, and show how an understanding of each part of the process can produce not just great prints, but prints that match what you see on your display again and again.

No more wasted paper, no more wasted ink … just complete confidence that when you press print, you know you will get exactly what you would want / expect.

Tickets are priced at just £20 but spaces are limited due to space.

For more information and to grab a ticket, check out the link below.

Hope to see you there,