Watch this recording of a LIVE Broadcast following the launch of my long awaited HOW TO PRINT course for a Behind the Scenes look at what went into making the course content, tips, additonal learning and Q&A

Well my HOW TO PRINT course has officially launched, and I don't care whether it's right or wrong to say this but ... "I'm Bloomin Proud of myself"

As of today the course has over 7 hours of content which, I hasten to add, is the least amount of content that there will ever be as I'm looking forward to keeping this well and truly up to date for everyone that has and does enroll.

The support I've had has been incredible from close friends and people across the industry being willing, sometimes at short notice, to open their company doors and allow me in to do some filming and also them jumping on to a video conference to record an interview covering a certain topic relating to printing.

SPECIAL THANKS goes to Dominic Gurney from Epson UK who as well as freely sharing his vast knowledge has driven considerable mileage (more than once) to pass on some kit for me to use.

Everyone at Permajet for their constant support from Day 1 when I was planning this course. Inviting me into their offices, filming, lunch, paper, interviews and so much more. Outstanding!

Dr Chris Bai from BenQ whom I'm proud to call a friend and everyone at BenQ; always there and always willing to help and provide support. When I first met Dr Bai he said that his purpose was to educate me about colour and display technology and he sure has!

The BRILLIANT people at Digitalab who invited up to their offices for 2 days when I first started working on the course. Nothing was and is too much trouble for them and for that and all they do I am so incrediby grateful.

The great folks at Calibrite for helping out in so many ways providing kit, promotion, technical advice and information and always reaching out to see if I need any support.

Trevor Williams of West Street Picture Framing who opened his shop on a day it was ordinarily closed just so that I could do some filming of him showing how to correctly add a print onto backing board and add them into a mount for display.

MASSIVE thank you to everyone that has Pre Ordered the Course so far. I'm genuinely blown away at the response but also at the trust placed in me to provide a course that you're willing to hand over some of your hard earned money for. It is VERY much appreciated. (your course content will be available from 6pm UK today)

... and finally my wife Anne who does everything she can to make it easier for me to get on with getting on. Because of her support I don't have to think about anything other than getting this done and hand on heart I wouldn't have been able to get it finished and produced what I have without her.

This might sound a bit dramatic ... I mean it's 'only' a course that I've put together but heck, I've worked hard on this. I wanted to make this THE go-to course for printing so that others can get their share of the pleasure I get when seeing an image that you took the time and effort to get out and capture, retouch and finally hold in your hands.

"The ART doesn't end at the EDIT"