
🎤 VERY IMPRESSED! The (less than) £100 RØDE VideoMic GO II sounds AMAZING 👏

In this video I go through a Practical 'Hands On' with the new RØDE VideoMic GO II Microphone that costs less than £100 BUT produces audio quality to match much more expensive microphones on the market AND it can be used on other devices.

In a world where day to day living is getting more and more expensive this microphone is definitely something to consider.

*NOTE: RØDE did send me the VideoMic Go II but have not paid me to create, or influenced this video. Opinions in this video are entirely my own 👍

💥 DOING THIS will make your PORTRAITS POP and come to life: My 20/10 Technique

So many times I get comments about the portraits I take and how they appear to almost come forward of the screen, and even more so, forward from the paper when printed.

This effect is largely down to a particular technique that I use in Photoshop; a technique that I call 20/10.

In this latest video I show exactly how I use it but also explain the principle behind it and why it works so incredibly well.

Hope you like it,