
Mobile versus Mirrorless: Decisions to be made in 2025

Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with my friend and Photographer Brian Matiash (Adobe Lightroom Team) and discuss using Mobile devices for Photography.

Should I continue doing so in 2025? Lenses and Filters for Mobile, What I’ll be using my Sony Mirrorless for, What do I make of the OM1 MK2 and a whole lot more ...

links mentioned in the video:

  • Brian Matiash Website: ( LINK )

  • Brian Matiash YouTube Channel ( LINK )

  • Glyn’s Lyme Sunset Picture + Edits in the Lightroom Community: ( LINK )

If you’d like any of your images to be considered for one of my ‘LIVE RetouchingBradcasts’ simply create a Collection (Lightroom Classic) or an Album (Lightroom Desktop) and Share it with me at gadewis@mac.com making sure that you set permissions to Edit and not just View.

From Movie Magic to Photographic Mastery | Lisa Carney

Thoroughly enjoyed chatting with Hollywood Movie Poster / Art Work Retoucher Lisa Carney and uncovering the HOW, WHAT and WHY of her personal work, her photography, process, retouching, personal projects and travel.

At the beginning of this recording check out the slideshow of her images and then learn how she captures and edits them because I guarantee, like me, you’ll be blown away!

Links mentioned in the video

Website: lisacarney.com (Portfolios, Photoshop Tutorials, Courses and more … )

Grief ( Art as Therapy - Personal Project ) LINK

Instagram: @lisacarney

The Lightroom Virtual Summit 2024: bit.ly/lvs-2024

Glyn’s Adobe Lightroom Community Page: LINK

Unsurprisingly, Lisa was a HUGE hit judging by some of the comments posted already from folks watching the recording …

ReeFlex iPhone G Series Lenses, Filters and Cases

There’s just 6 days remaining with the Kickstarter campaign that ReeFlex are running for their new G Series lenses, filters and cases.

The Kickstarter has already been a resounding success having been fully funded within 8 minutes of launch, and pledges for lenses and filters still continuing.

Those that have placed pledges for the G Series are expected to start taking delivery this coming January and having had time with the ‘near finished’ product I just know that everyone that gets them is going to be super happy!

Here’s a short video I put together from my experience with the lenses …

With just 6 days remaining from the day I post this article, there’s still time to make a pledge and grab some of the new kit by visiting the official Kickstarter Page …


It’s June 2023 and Adobe have just added some updates into Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Cloud which includes Lightroom Mobile.

So, here’s a quick run through of the main bits 👍🏻

Here too is a link to the Official Adobe Lightroom Website giving full detail including all the mior updates including new cameras and lenses added …

iPHONE Photography and LIGHTROOM Masking Tip YOU (PROBABLY) DIDN'T KNOW !!!

Changing the Depth of Field (DOF) Before AND After taking a photograph PLUS Masking in Lightroom using Depth Information ... Now THAT is Brilliant!


00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - DOF Before Taking Photograph
01:28 - DOF After Taking Photograph
02:37 - Depth Range Masks in Lightroom

I PRINTED a 72" iPhone Photo and you WON'T BELIEVE THE RESULT !!!

Yes you read thar right … a 72” print of an iPhone photograph!

In this video I not only show ther print but also give you a look at the kit I used along with my favourite iPhone App for creating Long Exposure Photographs.

I also show what I used to upscale the original image more than 4 times, taking up to the final 72 inches!

The future of mobile photography is VERY exciting 📱😃

BRILLIANT! LIVE Setting for PERFECT Photographs + INTELLIGENT Presets in Lightroom

The LIVE photo setting in the iPhone / mobile phones is INCREDIBLE!

Long Exposure Photography, being able to choose an exact moment before or after you took a photograph AND then there's Presets in Lightroom. Great advances in technology or cheating?

Whatever you think...it's VERY clever stuff!