ProPhoto RGB or Adobe RGB??? ProPhoto RGB is BIGGEST but does that really mean it's the best colour space for Photographers???
Adobe add the Remove Tool and Generative Fill to Photoshop on the iPad
Really impressed with how Adobe have added the Remove Tool and Generative Fill into Photoshop on the iPad.
Works a treat!
The Remove Tool in Photoshop might be even more powerful than you think!
Here too is the first video I put together showing how to use the Remove Tool …
Photography is so much more than Pixels
Don't know if it's because Christmas is on the horizon, but this evening sat here at my computer replying to emails I felt compelled to look at family photographs.
Saw this one of my Grandad. Loved him. Opened it in Photoshop and after a few minutes of making edits, immediately it made me think about how important Photography is and how much good we're able to do with it.
Photography is so much more than Pixels.
We can spend a lot of money and time striving for the perfect photograph, but what exactly is that?
I remember presenting at The Professional Imaging Show in The Netherlands a few years back, all about "The Importance of Photography" when at the end of my presentation I was approached by an attendee who had clearly been crying.
He went on to tell me that the last photograph he took of his Dad (who had since passed) ended up being blurred and out of focus.; he was devastated that of all the times to 'mess up' (his words) it was then.
I got it. I totally understood why he was upset but trying to help I asked him ... "What do you see when you look at that blurred photograph? Is your Dad blurred when you see him in your mind?
"No" he answered.
”Then that is the most important thing of all. Of course we all want the sharpest, best composed pictures with great colours, but the most important thing here is that in your head you picture your Dad and in your head that picture isn't blurred, and that will always be the way when you look at THAT photograph.”
How to Match / Change Colour in Photoshop (2-SIMPLE + FAST TECHNIQUES)
Here’sa. video I recorded going through 2 of my Favourite Techniques to Match / Change Colour in pictures using Photoshop …
Westcott Cyber Week Sale 2023
The great folks who make and sell my Vinatge Grey Canvas by Glyn Dewis background for when taking portraits AND the samefolks who make and sell the lighting and modifiers I use, currnetly have their CYBER SALE WEEK running until Monday 27th November 2023 …
Looking through some of the items I’ve noticed up to $200 OFF lighting kits, and various other discounts on Modifiers, Backgrounds, LED Lighting Kits and so on …
Check out this Masterclass in creating Hair and Fur Brushes in Photoshop with Aaron Blaise formerly at Disney for 20+ years.
Creating brushes like this can be incredibly useful when working on difficult selections and cut-outs …
The 39-45 World War 2 Veterans Portraits Project ... has moved!
For your information ...
The Official 39-45 Portraits Project website has been closed-down due to persistent hacking issues and offensive spam.
HOWEVER ... all of the portraits and videos can now been seen here on my main website by clicking on the 39-45 logo 2/3rds of the way down the home page OR going to PORTFOLIO link at the top of the screen and then choosing 39-45 Portraits Project 👍🏻
ReeFlex iPhone G Series Lenses, Filters and Cases
There’s just 6 days remaining with the Kickstarter campaign that ReeFlex are running for their new G Series lenses, filters and cases.
The Kickstarter has already been a resounding success having been fully funded within 8 minutes of launch, and pledges for lenses and filters still continuing.
Those that have placed pledges for the G Series are expected to start taking delivery this coming January and having had time with the ‘near finished’ product I just know that everyone that gets them is going to be super happy!
Here’s a short video I put together from my experience with the lenses …
With just 6 days remaining from the day I post this article, there’s still time to make a pledge and grab some of the new kit by visiting the official Kickstarter Page …
Presenting at the YPU Keighley Day 2023
Back home now after a fantastic weekend in Yorkshire having been sponsored by Adobe to present at the YPU (Yorkshire Photographic Union) Keighley Day.
L to R: Yours Truly, YPU President Richard Littlefair, YPU President Elect Christine Hodgson and Ross McKelvey
Great to meet so many nice people who had made me feel so incredibly welcome from the moment I arrived on the Friday evening.
Wonderful too, to finally spend some quality time with Ross McKelvey who was also presenting.
He ‘took to the stage’ for the first part of day and it was so good to be able to kick back and watch as he firstly talked through prints of some of his wonderful images and then shared some of his retouching techniques.
Yep … a great couple of days spent with some great people PLUS a BIG thank you to Rufus Deuchler from Adobe for putting my name forward.